I wonder if anyone would like to share the levels of frustration that they go through with chastity. At what point do you feel really broken and start to beg for release? Does the release come or does your key holder simply smile as mine does and say 'its good for you'? I probably play for shorter times than many people on here, so far our record is three weeks, (we were going for four but had to stop do to a cut that developed). In week one, I cope really well, the frustration kicks in a little after about 4 days but to be honest I really can't wait to get the first week finished so we can move on to the juicy bit. Week two, I usually start to lose it a little around day 12 and wonder how I will cope with with a sentence of 3 to 5 weeks. I have moments of desperation but also mostly enjoy the frustration. Week three, for me this is when I start to climb the walls and the slightest thing is erotic, from the cool breeze on my back to my goddess simply not even mentioning my chastity. The only time I made three weeks I was genuinely begging for mercy and completely broken,wondering how I will cope. As for week four, well I still have to experience that level of desperation and would like to hear for some of you long terms about how you cope and if you just get accustomed to a permanent state of desperation? :anim_37:
:mad0214:You are topping from the bottom. You wanted you got it live with it. Do things around the house to keep yourself busy. Clean, cook, do laundry, :chores007:, anything but bothering your K/H with such trivial things. Rachel
I know that my time in lockup is shorter than most, I don't even usually go more than a week. My wife enjoys penetration and enjoys how much stronger her orgasms are when I cum with her, so our play doesn't often go past a week.. however lately she has found a new dildo she really likes for penetration and she's starting to enjoy playing with my head more and more... this weekend I was very intentionally not allowed release and she keeps talking about making me wait until her birthday (18 days away, will make it nearly 4 weeks by then). I don't know if she'll stick to that but I asked her to choose for me when to allow me to cum... maybe soon enough I'll get to know that third or fourth week desperation...
Thanks for your comment but I don't agree. If you read my post you will see that I am asking people to comment on how they cope with longer terms of chastity and sharing my own experience. I don't really see how this is topping from the bottom or bothering my keyholder (Breakinghim). If you read her posts you will see that she thinks its good that I get support on here as she has decided to pretty much put me in full time chastity. I have never been in chastity over three weeks and was asking others who have done longer to share how it is for them as although I love it I also find it difficult at times.
Yeah, I guess we all have our comfort zone and there is that bitter sweet point when we know we are climbing the walls and there is no escape. For my partner its only fun after that point, infact it makes her want to keep me locked away even longer :happy0007:
TI think the 'breaking in' time varies with individuals. It's a state of mind, and a good KH will endure it takes as long as it takes, and then add some. What you need to experience, IMO, is not just that desperation, but to go through it and out the other side. The sky's the limit.
For me there are several 'walls'. The 1st one is after 3 days. Then about 7. Then 2 weeks. Then I'm ok, until the 4 weeks mark. My longest time I think is 6 weeks or so. After 4 weeks it all becomes a blurr just waiting for a release time. In answer to your question, I ma pretty much broken after 4 weeks. :sad0125: :danger: rich.
emsprisoner first let me apoligize for missunderstanding your post. i thought you were just whining. now that i understand let me say this. The first one is from day 1 to day 4 or 5, if there is any teasing or :sex023: of Points Princess this can last up to a full week to 10days. But after that it's over and there is no 2nd or 3rd. The second one is around 10 days later again depends on the above mentioned activities. i have never had a 3rd and my longest locked up time is 48 days. Rachel
Thanks for the reply, from reading the replies I guess its different for everyone and we all have our limits. 48 days is a long time though and it would be interesting to find out. Knowing what my KH is like, she will probably make me do 6 weeks at some point at her own discretion as she is prone to adding time on when I'm broken. Must be pretty intense to have release after that long.. arty0042:
Thanks for your message, it great to hear from someone who has done longer time than me. I'm sure in a week or two I will be properly broken and get to experience new levels and highs. I often think about how monks are celibate and retain all their sexual energy for meditation. You talk about the high you get, maybe it has something to do with this and your body being so full of life force. I would call it yogic but the amount I think about my Mistress and her devious games when I am in this state isn't that pure.
Must be pretty intense to have release after that long.. arty0042:[/QUOTE] If you weren't a screamer before you will be but man is it fun. :jumping0045::character0100::happy0158: Rachel
The longest I have ever been locked up so far is a month so I don't claim to be a long termer. For me I start loosing it after 2 weeks locked and I want an orgasm badly and am extreamly fustrated. I try to take my mind off of it by doing chores and it does help.
I guess breaking point and chastity sentences are all relative depending on what your are used to. The first time I was locked I was losing it after 4 days as it was all new to me. Nowadays I find the first week or so pretty easy. My KH doesn't always tell me how long my sentence will be which can be very frustrating and exciting as I have nothing to cling to like "just another 14 days". I just have to wait until she thinks I am broke enough. My god she's good x x x
My KH never tells me how long I'm about te be locked up. And I dont bother asking. But I have never been broken allthough I have had no Orgasms up to 3 weeks. Maybe Mistress will push my limits one day...I dont know and dont want to know
it is frustrating not knowing when that next orgasm is going to happen.i have been locked since feb 18 and my goddess has not given any indication i am so excited to be hers that i wont ask for fear she will stop being my goddess/ kh.... it really does get easier the longer you go...
Well I still need to experience long term chastity. I cant imagine it getting any easier though yet so I guess I still need to experience it properly, I'm sure I will soon.
Since my last orgasm since i just had an orgasm on Sunday morning at 3:15AM i thought i would post my feelings here for you. Sunday left unlocked all day while Sherry was away it was really hard not to :jerkit: since after i orgasm all i want is another one but i made it through till She got home. Monday locked up all day and the desire to :jerkit: was not as bad. Monday night i was allowed out for bowling. Tuesday locked up all day with hardly any desire for an orgasm. Tuesday night i drew an O ball in our black balled game. Sherry didn't make me have a ruined orgasm, thankfully as i hate them, and i only have 29 points at present. Stayed locked up all night. Wendsday Sherry had me :sex023: Her before She went to work. The desire to have an orgasm today is almost unbearable. i would rip this thing off right now if i could. i will be released tonight for 3 hours to go bowling again but there will be no time to :jerkit: as She will unlock it just in time to take a shower before i go and i return home as soon as i am finished bowling. Rachel
emsprisoner, your OP sums it up pretty well for my own experience. my P likes it when i'll do anything to earn a release. For Her, that's a major reason for keeping me locked! She likes it when i am desperate, and if i have the poor judgment to beg, will remind me that this is what i offered Her. Begging usually only gets me a new assignment and/or punishment for being focused on my needs instead of Hers.
You are entering a new zone. Its an amazing experience. My longest was 21 days. I like you wonder what its like beyond that point. My experience has been that the first two days is easy. days 3-5 begins the first feelings of denial and wondering when you might cum again. The first wall I find I hit is day 7. I start to become totally focused on doing whatever I have to to cum. At day 10 I start to beg for release. I found if my key holder gives me a lot of attention at 10 day area I can push through to get to day 14. That is when I started to really break. I don't remember days 14-21, it was a blur Good luck, I'd love to hear how you move through your goals. :snail::snail:
I'm quite a newb to this (compared to most members here!), but here's my tale! I first went in last summer (June: http://www.chastitymansion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=324 ) and was in out out every week or so, this went on until the lockups got longer and the tease and denial games increased! We continued this up until late last year when and my wife/KH suggested a longer lockup time for me, but instead of telling me how long I would just have to wait to find out! I (slightly hesitantly!) agreed as we had been expanding on our bedroom "antics" in that we had progressed to her discovering she got HUGE enjoyment out of not only me watching her pleasure herself with her Rabbit, but also blindfolding me and securing me in a bodnage harness at the end of the bed while she did it! She also discovered the pleasure of a strap on! This basically meant she could get plasure from her rabbit with me watching or being strapped/blindfolded while she did it, or if she wanted penetration then I could wear the strap on while locked up and still pleasure her! Anyway, in November, I was allowed my (roughly) fortnightly release and we had a great full blown sex session. I was then immediately told to "clean up" and put my CB back on. Once it was back on, she brought up the subject of a "longer" lockup with me not knowing the release date..... I agreed and away we went (I was thinking it would probably be 4 weeks or so as the most we seemed to be going up til then was roughly 2 weeks). The days and weeks passed and we continued to play the games-me watching her while strapped up/blindfolded or fucking her with a strap on. It got to about 4 weeks and I was expecting (hoping for!) a release, but how wrong I was! We agreed at the point of this lock up that she would think of a release date, (but obviously not tell me) and that she would write it on a piece of paper and place it (along with the spare emergency CB padlock key) in a sealed jiffy back in the loft. That way she would know if I had ever tried to A) Find out the release date and B) Get at the spare key. That was 4 months, 2 weeks and 4 days ago.... The release date is still in the sealed jiffy bag in the loft, along with the spare padlock key and I still have absolutely no idea when I will be released for sex or to just cum. Each day is now a journey and on that journey I may get the option to watch my wife play with herself using her rabbit, I may get strapped and blindfolded at the end of the bed while she does it, bring her to orgasm using only my tongue, I may get to fuck her using a strap on over my CB, but one thing I don't get is any idea of when I will be unlocked/allowed to cum/allowed to fuck her for real. And believe it or not, that is the most amazing place to be! :character0180: I still can't get my head around the whole chastity scenario-I love my wife more than anything and think she;s the sexiest woman I've ever met, so why would I want her to keep me in chastity with no clue as to when I'll be released!? :anim_39: Anyway-emsprisoner, I hope that goes some way to answering your question!