Hey, So I've finally got the rings andspacers fitted for the curve. On to the next problem... I've got quick a thick shaft which fills the curve up enogh that the only way I can get it on is the stocking method. But when I try to remove it there's no space to ease it side to side or anything so I was wondering if anybody had any ideas how to aid this?
do you lube? i lube twice a day with baby oil on a q-tip. i'm a grower so when soft my CB3000 cage comes right off. i would think that if you are lubed the cage would slide right off.
Lube injector. Works great. Go in thru the end of the tube. Look here. http://www.extremerestraints.com/lubes-and-creams_49/lube-applicator_1201.html
Hi Razamataz i never use lube inside the tube and i find it helps grip the penis inside the device more securely, why not try when removing the tube to sit in a warm bath and lather up the penis should shrink slightly enough at least to remove it easier.:confused0068: