OK, speaking with a friend on MSN today and I told him I'm getting ready to send my key to a keyholder for the very first time. I expressed my nervousness mainly because I do have paranoia issues. It's deep set and hard for me to work over. That's why this act of sending a key to someone is important to me and I trust the person I'm sending it to. Still have the usual worries. Lost in the post, she loses the key, she doesn't send it back, etc etc. My friends solution was to buy a matching padlock and send her the key to that instead. I was shocked! I'm a submissive and the act of decieving a Dominant appalled me. But he told me this is what he did the first time. He said it threw in some reassurance that the key came back and he could send the real key next time. But surely this is a massive act of mistrust and defeats the purpose, doesn't it? Has anyone else heard of this happening? I know I won't be doing this as I can't with out spilling my guts to my Keyholder. Seems odd to me that anyone would do this!
NightSprite, having a provision for an emergency is not a bad idea. Perhaps agreeing to keeping a key locked or sealed in something that would be detectable if opened. Having a way to get out is not just advisable for "trust" reasons, but also for practical ones. If you're having really bad chaffing or discomfort, you can't wait DAYS to get a key. You need out soon. That said, one "backout" plan could simply be a pair of bolt cutters or dremel tool. Hell, most of the locks that come with the CB-xxxx series can be picked with a paper clip, but you probably don't want to test that! lol. I'd discuss it with your KH and come up with a plan with "safety" in mind. Hopefully, that plan would also accommodate issues of broken trust. Best of luck! mikecb
its hardly fort knox nightsprite and i think in a worse case scenario you would get it off. dont worry too much just send the key and enjoy the suspense:anim_39:
I agree that it sounds like a bad way to start things. In reality, ANY lock can be cut off with a $40 bolt cutter purchasable at your local home center, what what do you have to loose (other then a $10 lock)? js