Last Activity:
Nov 8, 2011
Apr 20, 2009 at 4:30 PM
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Local Time:
1:58 AM
Sep 5, 1958 (Age: 66)


Senior Member, 66

tiffiny was last seen:
Nov 8, 2011
    1. Missy Tanya
      Missy Tanya
      Happy Birthday.. And I bet I don't have to ask if your getting a B-Day Spanking!!! Now your going to be sorry you've made so many scary paddles.. lol
    2. tiffiny
      Thank You Ma'am. Hope You are too.
    3. Mistress Michelle
      Mistress Michelle
      Happy 2nd year anniversary with Mansion tiffy...Hope youre having a great day! Great news about the site being up :)
    4. tiffiny
      So You say..lol
      Ok. Thx Ma'am..'[hehe}
    5. Goddess Jen
      Goddess Jen
      I didn't know about the swap meet until Saturday morning. There were only a handful of vendors and most definitely not worth the 5 hour drive for you to come down to. If there is anything coming up, I'll let you know :)
    6. tiffiny
      LMAO..OMG..Of all the games..You must be talking in Your sleep..lol
    7. Goddess Jen
      Goddess Jen
      Had to share a funny with you. Today while walking around Target, my little girl spotted a game she wanted for Christmas. She said, "Mommy, please..please can Santa bring me this game?!?" I turn around and look...
      It's Whack a Mole. I laughed so hard and the people around me looked at me like I was crazy. If they only knew the image that was in my head ;) xo, Tiffy-Lou...
    8. tiffiny
      lolol. hello
    9. Goddess Jen
      Goddess Jen
      I see you!!
    10. tiffiny
      yes I do. lol
    11. pierced33
      tiff do you still have your nipples pierced
    12. elkies
      Thank you so much for coming to our party last night. I cannot begin to tell you how much I love the paddles you gave us. That was a very generous gift.
    13. tiffiny
      Your being here is PLENTY of thanks my Dear.. But,, please do not brag me up as You did. Yes, the first two weeks I helped big time. But,, after that,, less and less.. However. That is because You are DOING SUPER..
    14. Ms.Linda
      I just want everyone to know how perfect you have been through this ordeal...My shoulder to cry on, My rock to lean on, My guardian to keep me safe. I LOVE you with all MY heart and soul and will Never be able to thank you enough. Don't you ever forget that!!!
    15. tiffiny
      LOLOL...That's right. And don't You forget it Ma'am.
    16. Goddess Jen
      Goddess Jen
      Same to you, Sir ;)
      Have a great day and better weekend. Happy Father's Day!!!
    17. tiffiny
      lololol.. Yeah.. and to think.. I knew nothing about it being changed.. lolololol
    18. Goddess Jen
      Goddess Jen
      Oooooo....Lovin the new profile pic, Tiff! That is my favorite paddle (other than the zebra wood) you've made. Beautiful :)
    19. tiffiny
      Hello. and thank you. However, Unless they went out of business within the past few months, Centurians is still in business.
    20. joatmoa69
      LOVE the profile pic! There have been many times i've fantasized about being permanently locked in the Centurians tube with the break off tabs for the frenum piercing! That's where we bought all of our first toys too and i have a TON of their catalogs! Too bad they're no longer in business...
    21. Mistress Michelle
      Mistress Michelle
      You made My day tiffy!!!!!
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  • About

    Sep 5, 1958 (Age: 66)
    Chastity devices:
    Lori's #9
    Centurian FL6J Frenum
    Chastity resume:
    it's an on and off kind of thing


    :Tink:Paddles of Distinction.com

    Discipline with Class and Elegance
    Contact us @ Exotic_Paddles@Hotmail.com
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